On the weekend of 11th and 12th February 2023 it will be 40 years since Avro Vulcan XM594 landed at Winthorpe Showground to go on display at the Newark Air Museum. It is also the 60th anniversary of its entry into RAF service. The actual landing date was 7th February 1983, on the former wartime runway at Winthorpe Showground.

To mark the anniversary, the museum trustees are allowing members of the museum’s Cockpit Opening Team to provide FREE cockpit access to the Vulcan on the weekend. This will be available for visitors who pay to come into the museum and who advise the museum in advance of their plan to participate.

The museum trustees anticipate that this will be a popular event, so to try and ensure that people have sufficient time inside the cockpit and that they are not waiting around outside, they are implementing a timed ticket system for going on board Vulcan XM594.

In addition, a series of talks by ex-Vulcan aircrew is planned to take place throughout the weekend – further details will follow.

Entry & Admission details:

  • The museum will be open from 10am to 4pm, with last admissions to the site at 3pm. 
  • Admission costs to the museum site are: Adults £10, Over 60s £9 and Children £5.50.

To book:

To help the museum formulate the timed ticket schedule they need to hear from people who plan to visit on the weekend and we would ask them to email the number of people in your group & approximate agess by 4pm on 1st February 2023 to admin@newarkairmuseum.org. Please also state “FREE Vulcan 40th Anniversary Visit” in the subject / topic section of your email.

Once this information has been submitted the museum will draw up the timed visit schedule for people to go on board XM594 and notify people of their allocated time. The museum does reserve the right to close the offer before the stated date if the uptake is so great that it cannot cope with the number of visitors requesting the free access to the Vulcan.

Further details will be posted on the News & Information page of the museum website at newarkairmuseum.org.

Please be aware that because of the restricted space in the cockpit the Vulcan can only take 3-4 people at a time; please also be aware that access to the Vulcan is also dependent on a height restriction and visitors to the aircraft will have to be at least 1m in height.

This blog was supplied by Newark Air Museum.


Newark Air Museum
Newark Air Museum

One of the largest volunteer run aviation museums in the U.K, Newark Air Museum holds a diverse display of aviation artefacts and a collection of more than thirty aero engines.



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