Adam Penford makes a real statement of intent with his first production since arriving at the Nottingham Playhouse as Artistic Director. Wonderland, written by Beth Steel, is an emotional tale set at Nottinghamshire’s Welbeck Colliery as the Miner’s Strike plays out across 1984 and 1985.

The story sets the camaraderie and everyday banter of a happy go lucky bunch of hard working miners against a changing economic and political backdrop. An opening narrative from Milton Friedman on the virtues of free market economics sets the scene and the arrival of the excellent Robin Bowerman as National Coal Board Head Ian MacGregor does little to reassure the miners that they have a future.

The tension builds between the striking miners and the back to work campaign led by the controversial Government protagonist David Hart. Lives are lost, families are divided as the battle of Orgreave, one of the most violent clashes in British Industrial history unfolds.

Steel sets up the story astutely with an accurate representation of both sides of what we all know was a highly political and hugely emotional time in modern British history. An intricate stage set and strong cast took us all back in time, provoking a hugely emotional reaction from the Nottingham audience.

Catch Wonderland until this Saturday, 24 February at Nottingham Playhouse.

This blog was written by Visit Notts' Chief Executive Brendan Moffett.




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