The Workhouse in Southwell is set to embark on a new chapter in its fascinating history after two decades of successful growth since the property was taken into the care of the National Trust in 1997.
The site, which is the best preserved workhouse standing in England, has been awarded £365,000 by Wellcome to support its revitalisation project ‘Re-Imagining The Workhouse’.
“This is the first award ever given to The National Trust by Wellcome and is an indication of the importance of and confidence in the project” said Sara Blair-Manning, General Manager at The Workhouse. “The award will support the project’s innovative interpretation programme, as well as the revitalisation of the site’s old infirmary building, Firbeck House. This will allow Firbeck to be fully open to the public for the first time since the National Trust took ownership of The Workhouse.”
Tom Ziessen, Engaging Science Manager, Public Engagement, Wellcome, said:
“The Workhouse redevelopment will provide an important insight into how welfare and healthcare support was provided to the poor in the past. This is still a crucial issue today, and we hope that historical reflection can encourage debate about health and welfare support now and in the future, particularly for those most vulnerable in society.”
Redevelopment of Firbeck House is anticipated to start in the autumn of 2017, and is expected to open to the public by spring 2019. Find out more here
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