An RSPB-led consortium has submitted the planning application to Newark and Sherwood District Council for a new visitor centre at Sherwood Forest. The consortium successfully won a bid in August last year as part of a procurement process organised by Nottinghamshire County Council to design and build the new centre and manage Sherwood Forest Country Park and National Nature Reserve from early 2018. If approved, the proposed work would see a modern facility built at a site agreed by Nottinghamshire County Council, at Forest Corner in Edwinstowe. This would be followed by the removal of the current 1970’s visitor centre and car parks, and that site would then be returned to nature. Ross Frazer, RSPB Project Manager, said: “We’re very happy to reach this important stage in the planning process. We hope that people will see that we’ve listened to and incorporated their feedback, and this planning application brings us one step closer to realising our vision for a brilliant new visitor centre at Sherwood Forest.” The plans for the new visitor centre will be available to view via the planning portal on the Newark and Sherwood District Council website:




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