Earlier on in the year, Nottingham City Council applied for a £15m bid from the Heritage Lottery Fund to revitalise Nottingham Castle as a world class tourist attraction. After Nottingham Castle was not originally selected, work is underway to refresh the proposal in order to re-submit it at the end of November.
Nottingham City Council eagerly wants the public to support and give the bid a good chance of being approved. You have various ways to get involved and have your say. Just take a minute to stop and think; what is your favourite part about the Castle? How many times have you been there? Have you witnessed the spectacular views whilst there?
On social media, use #raisingthestandard to get involved with the discussion; follow @NottmCastleBid on Twitter and Nottingham Castle Bid on Facebook and check out the website for more information and all the latest news and developments.
You could also complete a quick online questionnaire on Nottingham City Council’s website to feedback your views at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/nottinghamcastlehys/. Or if you're at the Robin Hood Pageant this weekend at Nottingham Castle then find out more information in the second round consultation. Both opportunities to have your say close on 31 October, so make sure to get involved to help our historic Castle.
Another opportunity to get involved is to sign the Heritage Lottery Fund Castle petition. To do this, you can go to the Tourist Information Centre in Smithy Row, just off the Old Market Square, sign it this weekend at the Robin Hood Pageant, or you can fill it out online here, http://tinyurl.com/NottmCastle.
Nottingham Castle is a beloved part of our city, with an amazing history spanning 1000 years! Let's bring it to life with new facilities helping visitors to understand the exciting story of the castle and caves. Our Castle is the jewel in the heart of the city of Nottingham - home to the legend of Robin Hood and some of the most dramatic events of the last 10 centuries; it continues to play a pivotal role in telling the story of the history of our city, and nation.
We need your support to raise the standard! Let’s make Nottingham Castle truly great again.
In Notts we love our historic Castle.

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