This week we are sharing Hannah Tidswell’s favourite places in Nottinghamshire. If you would like to share your ‘favourites’ with us, email us at or use the comment section below. You may feature on our blog and our various social media platforms.   Hannah Tidswell is the Marketing and Events Officer at Creswell Crags in the north of the county. Set in a limestone gorge with caves and a lake, Creswell Crags is one of only two sites in the country known for Ice Age cave art. "I may be completely biased as the Marketing and Events officer for Creswell Crags, but the Crags has to be by far the most magical place in Nottinghamshire for me. It is after all why we moved here to Nottinghamshire.  This ancient site stands so defiantly and unexpected in an otherwise flat, rural landscape. My mind often turns to places such as Narnia or Rivendell when I walk through the entrance to the gorge for it really is like entering another world. Besides the natural beauty and serenity of the place, the caves boast an enchanting history which blurs our understanding of history and prehistory. Babworth Church is also a hidden gem to my mind; it is another peaceful place which has stood the test of time. A bold, solid building set amongst the trees, it is the perfect quintessential English church. The child in me is also always curious to spot Robert Thompson's trademark mice carved into the beautiful wooden furniture. Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, Britain’s oldest pub also has fond memories for me from my time studying in the city. Its higgledy-piggledy layout and low beams make for a cosy catch up with friends."  




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