With surging interest sparked by Professor Brian Cox's BBC Stargazing Live shows you could be forgiven for thinking that astronomy is the new “rock 'n roll”!
And now by popular demand the Forestry Commission has returned with its own outward-bound astronomy event in Sherwood Pines Forest Park, near Clipstone, on Saturday 10 November 2012.
Stunning views of distant star clusters and galaxies millions of light years away will be served up by experts using powerful telescopes, while novices will be given a whistle stop tour of the constellations. Eyes will also be peeled for man-made satellites scuttling overhead and even spectacular shooting stars.
Ranger Karina Thornton explained:
"All too often light pollution snubs out the beauty of the stars, but 1,200 hectare Sherwood Pines is a dark oasis in North Notts. With the dark nights with use this is a great chance to marvel at celestial wonders like the Milky Way. The event has become one of our most popular so the message is book early.”
Places are limited and to reserve you place call 01623 821459 or email karina.thornton@forestry.gsi.gov.uk. The cost is £5 per person. Bring a torch and binoculars if you have them and wrap up warm. There will be a colourful talk indoors before stargazing (weather permitting) gets underway. The event gets underway at 7pm.
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